Passage Two
Questions 16 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage.
Imagine w alking through somcone's apartment, The rooms are almost empty, and the only pieces of furniture are a simple table and folded sofa. There are no decorative objects lying around- just the essentials. You open the closet to find you can count the number of clothing items inside on one hand. The space scems more like a prison cell than a home, and you may think the resident cannot afford to buy more things fill the apartment with.
It turns out that that the apartment's ow ner is a minimalist(简约主义者) w ho chooses to limit his number of belongings. Minimalism goes against consumer society by dramatically reducing possessions. Minimalists follow this philosophy to varying degrees, but they generally claim that cutting back on excess stuff leads to a more fufilling life.
With fewer possessions, they do not have to spend as much time cleaning, thinking about w hat they are missing, or trying to keep u with the latest trends. Minimalists say this frees u叩their time for things that they find meaningful such as exercising, traveling, and being w ith loved ones.
Extreme minimalism is not for everyone, but a mild form of it has grown in popularity recently, thanks to Marie Kondo's bst-selling book. The Life-Changing Magic of 7Tiding Up. Kondo has become distinguished for her tidings skills, which she developed naturally. One of her main belief's is that one should only own things that one truly loves.